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    Resource Kits for Digital Product Makers

    A curated list of ebooks, articles, apps, illustrations, and more.

    Learn from the Experts

    Before you start your maker journey, take a little bit of time to get inspired and learn from those who came before you.


    Are you are looking for new opportunities to pursue? Stay on top of market trends and leverage your existing leverage to take advantages.

    Acquire a Domain Name

    Buying .com domain is really difficult these days, why not get creative with new gTLDs or domains that’s about to expire?

    Build a Landing Page

    Launching first with just the landing page might be all you need to validate your idea and prevent yourself from sinking endless amount of time building product that no-one wants. You can use existing platform or get hands-down if you are comfortable.

    Add a Creative touch

    You don’t have to be a designer or shed a lot of money to add creative elements to your UI.

    Join Communities

    Without a community support behind, you will run into the “what now?” moment as soon as you launch a product and have no-one to show it to. Join the community and start sharing what you are working on while you are building, vs waiting until way later.

    Get Ready for the Launch

    Before you launch, be sure you have a mechanism to analyze your traffic and capture leads on your landing page.


    The hard battle begins post-launch of your product. Be consistent and diligent about your marketing effort.

    For Coders

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